Deadly Dames: Mother India Style

These “PINK VIGLIANTES” from India mete out justice against Bad Guys the old fashioned way–with sticks, Lathis to be precise. Check it out here!

In their makeshift uniforms (saris not sorry’s), they “arm themselves with lathi – traditional sticks – which they have used to beat men who have abandoned or abused their wives and policemen who have refused to register claims of rape. ”

This group or Gulabi Gang as it’s called, has also attracted the support of an increasing number of men. (No, I have no clue what they wear.)

In cases of domestic violence, “we go and talk to the man and explain why it is wrong. If he refuses to listen, we get the woman out of the house, then beat him. If necessary, we do it in public to embarrass him.”

I know I shouldn’t be grinning… but I am.

I support the efforts of these fierce fightin’ femmes. And it further proves this point– that we females are not all-pacific creatures and do-no-harmers, devoid of an aggressive nature, or that we go all sickeypoo around the (judicious) use of force. Nonsense!

Leave it to Mother India and her brand of Divinity to bring it home. Her wisdom is as good as it gets, so burn this in: Girl, you are already many. You are not one note on a flute.

Put another way, in my badland lingo, as quoted from my article in BUST Magazine:

“We are givers and gluttons, supporters and competitors, creators and
destroyers.. We too crave the F**K and the Fuck You.”

Amen to our PINK sisters.

Make the Right Move

This past May and June I taught self defense in India. Amidst a flurry of Press was this fabulous article in THE HINDU — India’s National (English) Newspaper. A big shout out to BHUMIKA for nailing the PRIMAL essence of my messages, means and unvarnished language. Check it out here!

Fighting spirit! Melissa Soalt believes that if attacked, women should become savage beauties

When “Dr. Ruthless” answers the phone, it’s a sweet voice with an even softer disposition that I encounter across the line. I’ve read about her, and the website of this women’s self-defence expert is dominated by phrases like “fierce and female”, “beast girl”, “go ballistic”, “use dirty tactics”, “take control”. I’ve seen fighting pictures of her and does she look formidable! And then when I meet her, I’m stumped by the contrasting package that Mellisa Soalt is. She’s about five feet tall, has a petite yet sinewy frame, and is quite comfortable kicking ass and wearing jewellery.

While I tell her that it is reassuring to see that such a tiny woman has become emblematic of physical power, she gives me one of her favourite lines: “It is not the size of the woman in the fight, it is the size of the fight in the woman!” Melissa’s approach to self defence is really about breaking stereotypes. That women are small, defenceless, don’t have it in them to put up a fight…

“It goes against the grain for most people, especially women, to resort to violence. I am a non-violent person and believe in the least harm. But if you are attacked, you have to become savage,” she tells me at some point in the interview. “I take the cringe response out of you. Everyone has the killer instinct in them. I believe that half the population in the world should not live in fear of the other half.”

Practical Primal Self-Defense for Every Woman!

At five feet tall on a good hair day, I can attest: All women posses the powerful instinct and capacity for self-protection. It’s time you learned how to save your own pretty skin!

Sure. You’re smart. Self reliant. Yet something’s amiss. Maybe you know it as a quiet voice in your head or as your body’s alarming sensations, but the “what if?” fear of violence or attack is every woman’s fear. (And it isn’t always unfounded.)

Here’s the deal: It’s time for a radical shift. A revolution in thinking: What if instead of being fearful, you learned how to be fearsome? What if YOU could be a dangerous creature?

Dr. Ruthless can show you how.

From everyday self-protection to explosive close-quarters fighting to summoning might in the face of fear, Dr Ruthless teaches the essential skills and readiness of heart that could save your skin… and your soul!

It’s time to rekindle your ancient powers – and slip into something a little more primitive!

Dr. Ruthless: Mother Youtube

Here’s a video:

My most essential Dr. Ruthless messages, methods and unabashed calling for all females to repossess their survival instincts, engage the “spirit of reversal” and learn how to fight back — not like a kitten, like a junkyard bitch. Fierce. Directed. Focused. Intent. YOU ARE THE WEAPON!