Five Fierce Rules For Fight-Back Self Defense

Let’s Call it What It Is– EMERGENCY Last Resort Self Defense 

By last resort, I mean that risk reduction, assault deterring, boundary setting and repelling strategies naturally come first. Now log this tip: To greatly reduce your risks, you must deny two things: PRIVACY & CONTROL.

Translation? As much as realistically possible, don’t allow yourself to become isolated with a would-be attacker/ victimizer/ criminal or predator. (TRUST YOUR GUT HERE!) And do not allow “them” to control your behavior- in other words to lead you where you do NOT want to go or otherwise manipulate your movements against your will.

Remember: Do NOT allow a criminal or would-be rapist to force you into a vehicle or otherwise move your from crime scene A to crime scene B. It will always be to a far more isolated location where it will be more difficult to attract attention or breakaway. This includes NOT allowing an assailant or thug to forcibly move you from the visible jogging trail seen by passing motorists and others into the more desolate woods. Or from the parking lot and front of the building to the remote back of the building. This all constitutes forcible movement from one place to another.

So you may have to go physical with whatever skills you have in order to free yourself.

Even with the best of risk reduction and prevention strategies, it happens – so here’s FIVE basic rules if you must fight back. 

1) Explode and penetrate into your target, do not just give a smack. Explode like a bullet directly into your target, not like a firecracker dispersing energy in all directions at once. 

(2) Technique AND fighting spirit count, so tap and funnel raw animal ferocity.

(3) Focus. Focus. Focus. FORCE it if you must but do not allow your mind to splinter, waver or freeze. Breathing helps!

(4) YELL! It oxygenates the tissues, rallies the fighting spirit and can add as much as 33 % more power to your moves.

(5) OWN you world and use your environment. From utilizing walls and counter-tops to shove off of or slam (him) into, to using blunt and pointy objects as weapons, to wielding trash cans and furniture as shields and barriers. My motto? “WHADDYA GOT?”

When it’s GO TIME, get fierce!  And get cracking!

“Being Nice Can Kill You”– I’m on!

I’m honored and delighted to have a guest blog on Forbes Woman.
More specifically on Victoria Pynchon’s Blog “She Negotiates.”  (Note: the editors took out the cusses and substituted other words. My fave substitution? FORK HIM UP!)


Don’t sugarcoat it! That’s my motto when dishing about my favorite topic of 26 years – fight-back self defense.

Recently I’ve taken some flak about my choice of words like “killer instinct” – Can’t you just call it survival instinct? –and my language around clobbering skills and some other colorful phrases like why we need to learn how to “bust stuff up.” Except we wouldn’t be using the word stuff.

The short answer to toning it down?

No F’ing Way.

To be clear, I’m not talking about self defense lite—those insidious tips dished out to women as if we were frail ladies who still go eek at the sight of a mouse. A classic example of this bad advice is to rap your knuckles on the back of an attacker’s hands to release yourself from a thug’s meaty 200 pound clutch.

Not gonna work.

I’m talking about the low down, dirty ways to counterattack when faced with physical or sexual violence I’m talking about what it takes to focus your ferocity and explode in a no-holds-barred attack to escape your assailant who is typically male.

Take is the operative term

In self defense you learn to take control.

Take is a commanding “do it” word. It leaves no trace of May I in your mouth.

I teach this attitude in my Dharma of Defense, a fierce female paradigm that evolved from decades of immersion in the study of self defense and the female warrior mindset. Central to my teaching is an ancient skill: the ability to pull ferocious from fear—to harness the furies that lie in fear’s wake.

Make no mistake: for women, typically lacking the luxury of greater size and strength, fierce is an imperative not an option.

The same is true for take.

I’m emphatic about this on Gloria Feldt’s Nine Ways Blog.

Effectively resisting attack hinges on women giving themselves permission, without apology, to not only be aggressive… but to take control. Gloria Steinem once remarked that taking – in and of itself – is empowerment for women. Nowhere is this more true than in fight-back self-defense when now may be the only time you have to save your life…

The essence of fight-back self defense is raw.

Elemental. Beyond strategies and moves, it requires women to leverage their killer instincts and tap primal powers often buried beneath fear and female socialization.

It means renegotiating who you can be with your heart pounding in fear. A fear that we all know can paralyze us as easily as it can propel us into action.

Fierce self defense is fierce self love- down and dirty style. Learning to ferociously fight, to dial up Beast Girl and fend for ourselves, takes us into the basement of our being, into a lower center of gravity far below the topsoil of the nice lady camouflage, the cover-girl veneer.

It arouses capacities born in the fires of love, fury, and survival instinct.


Maybe …Yes.

But arriving into this heat also feels good. Here lies a respite from the ubiquitous hum of civility: Female hands whip, fists hammer, legs become battering rams. We learn and remember that our bodies can be weapons. That talk and empathy are not always saving graces. That trembling emotions of terror and rage often fund our greatest battles. That we too can be dangerous. Priceless.

There’s little to compare this to: Learning to go primal returns us to a more formidable self.

Feminist anthropologist Michele Rosaldo called thisthe image of ourselves undressed – who we are in prehistory before the artificial constructs of femininity hemmed women in; before plastic bosoms and vaginal deodorants; before our madness and appetites were pruned back by fear and a litany of don’ts.

Do you need to ask about fear’s ill effect?

It is a Diminished Self.

When you multiply that by the masses of women kept in check by threats of force, deprivation, or violence that’s a lot of shrinkage. So for women, fighting back is the ultimate reversal. We become the huntress not the hunted, the predator not the prey.

Oh sure, it’s an acquired taste but once sampled never forgotten. Once you deliver your first crackling blow (in training I mean) or you slam a big guy to the ground it whets the appetite for more. It arouses a hunger for power and self-possession. It whisks us into forbidden zones; unblushing potencies sear into flesh.

If that sounds vaguely akin to another formerly-taboo appetite – sex – you’re on the right page. I view this as part of the Life Force — the fighting Eros of life.

And here’s the bottom line: Fighting back works! 


Studies corroborate that forceful resistance strategies are an effective means of stopping rape and sexual assaultResistance training isn’t the solution to violence against women—such thinking would be victim-blaming and gravely insulting—nor is it always a best or viable option. But it is a vital tool in our arsenal.

Embodying the female warrior spirit is also a curative tonic, mitigating the ills and indignities imposed by fear.

There’s no pretty way to say it—nor should there be. Becoming literate in the skills of “combat” is necessary.

And for the record, I’m the girl who escorts spiders out of the house prayerfully cupped in hands, okay But we need a spirituality that is large enough to house and revere our fearsome potential.

It isn’t just the owning of force that is liberating and potentially lifesaving, but the language of combat is equally decisive.

I want its unmodified fighting phrases – explode into a target; close the distance on an enemy — to be at home in the female psyche and consciousness. I want these skills to be second nature to women’s bodies. I also want them to be a second language. Because one day this unvarnished talk, its foul-mouthed imperatives could save your life.

We all know women, if not ourselves, who at one time or another have been overly, unduly concerned with our gendered obligation to avoid offense in word or deed.

In the context of sexual violence and female vulnerability, the “nice lady” mannerisms – their pleasing parlance – have dangerous consequences.

They often manifest like this – I didn’t want to hurt his feelings or appear like a bitch so I said, okay one more (drink / date/ fill in the blank) when the appropriate protective response might have been impolite, disobedient or downright forceful.

No. F ‘ing Way. 

Self defense means giving yourself permission to do what might otherwise be unthinkable. It also means giving yourself permission to say it straight, to speak your mind. And when it comes to fighting back, to proclaim the negative in language that many women find repugnant.

Or Dirty.

Which spirals me back to my point.

Ladies, it’s time to get F’d! F as in Fierce.

F as in freeing yourself from fear. As in Fighting Heart. And in the most dire of straits—say, mortal danger or sexual assault – you might just need to – are you ready? fork someone up. We just wouldn’t be using the word fork.

It’s a power word. Don’t be afraid to use it.

Melissa Soalt aka Dr. Ruthless is an award winning women’s self defense expert and former psychotherapist with Fierce & Female DVD’s. You can visit her here and on her Facebook page hereMelissa has been featured in national and international media and is at work on her first book.

Girl Power – No Flattery Needed

Go ahead. Take my arm fool!  And oh by the way, I ain’t your “baby.” 

That’s right. Get cracking. I’m not talking about patty-cake.   

First, I’m talking to YOU pop-culture media moguls.

If popular culture spent more of its capital helping girls view their bodies as allies (not enemies) and as instruments of power, and less focus on their young bodies as ‘eye candy’ or for the scoring of flattery, girls would suffer far LESS body angst and be far MORE prepared for self defending without self consciousness.

THE INSIDIOUS DECEPTION: Receiving flattery and body-focused attention in pop culture is pretty much always positive and desirable, but in reality of course its also potentially a telltale sign of inappropriate or predatory behavior or opportunistic intent. It greases the machinery.

THE REALITY: The tweener age (and young teen-age) is when girls are most vulnerable. This border town between girlhood and young womanhood is a turbulent time, fraught with come-hither pulls and peer-pressure pushes that all too easily take girls away from their SELF center, taking them off their spunkier girlhood base of power.

Border towns can be like jungles– chaotic and exotic, bursting with lookee here, lookee there stimulus, replete with shiny lures, intoxicants of all kinds and tempting grown-up attractions. Tweener-ville (located on every map) is a time and place where pumped dates often want to “score,” where predators prowl and hunt for prey, and where peddlers hawk shiny wares– often as pretext. Even in upscale tweener-villes, predators and opportunists of all ages would like nothing more than to take advantage: to shower your girl /your daughter with attention using flattery as bait, as a means to lower her guard, gain proximity and worm their way inside her skin– her bubble so to speak–and to gain entry into her personal intimate space. And maybe her attire.

This phishing and worming doesn’t just happen online, it also happens on the ground.

Did you know: the highest reported rape rates are of girls between the ages of 12 – 18? 

I’m not saying that popular culture is evil or should shoulder all the blame. That would not be fair or accurate. We all have responsibility – whether we’re parents or not – to help girls navigate the wilds of young womanhood and to provide guidance, mentorship and support.

The cure: Teach and reward girls for being self possessed. To help girls stay balanced amidst the turbulent waters of budding womanhood, we need to encourage and   drill self respect and self possession, replete with healthy self-centeredness and body ownership. It’s incumbent upon us to help girls nurture and sustain a positive connection to their bodies as sources of strength and power and to hold their own passionate life force.

We also need to empower girls with THE LANGUAGE OF BOUNDARIES – and the physical, spatial and body-based knowledge to set and defend their boundaries.

You probably know what else I’m thinking: Breakaway and emergency self defense methods.  

More and more girls today ARE doin’ it for themselves — that’s the good news. But to help make the tipping point happen, we ALL need to get on board and get cracking! 

(Illustrations by Miriam Anzovin. No copy. All rights reserved.)

Mother Flees Thug Leaving Her Child Behind. Could This Be YOU?

This caught-on-camera video clip of woman fleeing a knife-wielding robber/ street thug sparked huge outrage and dialogue. The reason? She instantly fled but left her four year old daughter behind with the criminal. Some seconds later she returns and we see her then fighting with her attacker at the door to the market where she seeks help and safety.

Most who commented are irate- nasty curses aside it boils down to this:

How could a mother abandon her own child in this way?

But here’s the other TABOO question: Could I / you have done that? Could one’s own self preservation and FLIGHT imperative override the maternal instinct? If you’re not prepared with self defense and survival options might YOU do this in spite of your thinking?

Short answer: YES.

I’m not saying I condone her actions – of course not. She left her young with a criminal who could just as easily have killed the girl out of rage or held the child hostage to get to the MOM. Plus that child now lives with the memory that her Mother abandoned her at a life-and-death moment. But what I’m saying is this:

Crazy, dissonant and unexpected shit happens when people are unprepared and the adrenaline and survival instincts, compounded by terror, kick in. And it’s not always the “warrior” response we’d like to think.

Certainly there are options she could have exercised (and women often do) including giving up the purse- “Here take my money!!” A technique I call “Throw The Dog A Bone” and run with daughter in hand. Or she might have used the handbag as a weapon to bash his face or bash his knife-hand to create a distraction while then running with daughter. (Note: the criminal does not actually attack at first but rather threatens from a distance which is not uncommon as a set-up to gain compliance and control.)

There is NO cookie cutter answer- nor substitute for good judgment in the moment.

So here’s what I say: The clip speaks – at the VERY LEAST — to the fact that without preparation and options, this could be many people. And that’s plenty good reasons to acquire and “cook in” skills and knowledge. Because in that blistering moment, thinking can be sketchy at best. Instinctive is the name of the game.

Women as a culture are also far more conditioned as prey- which is precisely how she appears as she runs away. In watching this clip I observe the common disconnect from “The Fierce Female” – the ability to TAKE control, renegotiate with fear, and to bring all our protective powers to bear. In other words to choose action and not default to a conditioned “prey” response.

I post lots of stories of women with NO PRIOR SELF DEFENSE TRAINING on my Dr Ruthless Face Book page. Women who save themselves and their kin. Women ARE generally fierce protectors of their young– which is why this appeared so shocking and repugnant to all who cursed this woman up and down.

But enough about my thoughts. I would love to hear your response–be they gut feelings or from your experience.